Thursday, September 17, 2009

2 months later 13 pounds heavier

Needless to say I have not done anything in the last 2 months but eat. I just can't seem to getmotivated to do anything, no diet, no exercise and even believe or not no crafts. I don't really understand what is getting me so down. I do know that this month is a difficult one for me. As this is the month in 2005 I lost my step brother and my mother and it is my father's birthday. That birthday should be a happy event but he is in Nc with Alzheimer's Disease and even if I were to call him (passed on past calls) he would have no idea who I am or what I am talking about. So I guess I will wish him here Happy Birthday Dad I Love You.

As for me, well there is a man in my life (sort of) but with his crazy schedule and life in South Florida I hardly get to see him. I am lucky if he comes around once a week. We have fun and then he is gone. Thank God for Instant Message as we do keep in contact on a more regular basis usually in the evenings.

As for the weight loss I did order 2 things of which I am hoping and praying one of them works. I ordered but have not received Sensa and Miracleburn. I did try this Monday to get back on WW but on the third day I screwed up. I suppose some of it was because I don't have my scooter (waiting for a brake part) so I can't shop for things I need. I am trying to do the best I can with what I have here in the house.

Till next time stay happy and healthy