Saturday, June 29, 2013


Hi Everyone
What a bust- here come the excuses. Horrible rains this whole month, terrible back and hip pains due to the rain, horrible mouth pain due to several surgery procedures on my broken tooth and trying to save it, losing my exercise helper as he finally got a part time job.  I know excuses, excuses. So based on the above my workout hours so far (as this is Jun 27th and I still have today Sat and Sun exercise to add) 451 hours which equaled a total of  7 1/2 hours. Wow what a drop down from last month.  I only went 4 days to the Gym. The rest of the exercise was bike riding.  I did manage to stay on the elliptical for a total of 6 minutes which was fantastic. I started on that machine on March 4th and could barely do a minute. I am only on the machine every 4th time I do go to the gym. So in 3 months I have been on it 8 more times and managed to go 6 minutes the last time I was on it which was June 3rd. I had a plateau at 5 minutes for 3 times but finally broke through it and next time I am on, I hope to increase to 6 1/2 minutes. One thing I wanted to add is that I told my personal coach about losing my exercise helper. My coach just yesterday planned out a whole new routine for me which I can do on my own and it involves 10 pieces of equipment and took me 50 minutes to do.  I was sweating in places I didn't know I could sweat in.  One of the pieces of equipment which is close to my face had so much sweat on it that it had to be wiped down.
I know some of you are laughing your heads off saying 6 minutes. My God that is like a quarter or more of what you do. But for those who have been reading my blog  from the start you know what I face on a day to day basis and are probably cheering me on. For that I am very grateful to have such wonderful friends from the various forums I am posting on.
As far as weight I am still at the 360 mark and didn't lose the weight I put on during my vacation at the end of May. However despite the low workout hours this month I didn't gain any more either, so I am happy about that. I didn't bother to re-evaluate my food plan until just this past weekend.  Decide to do either eat  a breakfast or a  lunch of Wonderslim products as I couldn't afford to buy the whole 2 week program so I bought just a few boxes which would equal one meal and 2 snacks.  These are high protein foods and I am hoping that will result in a weight loss for July. 
Well the rain this Thursday morning has finally stopped so I am about to take a shower and head off to the gym to do my new route all by myself. On Thursday not only did I do an hour of my strength training route by myself I also rode 3 laps around my subdivision which is 4 1/4 miles on my tricycle.  My next goal will be 5 miles. Also my Wonderslim items arrived yesterday so I am right on schedule to begin on July 1st. I decided to eat the shake, puddig or bar for  lunch along with whatever else the program calls for.  I need to go and check it out to see. 
For those reading my blog. Stay Happy and Healthy!


Hi Everyone
Well as it turns out I didn't lose a single pound but I did lose a few more inches.  I was extremely disappointed as I thought for sure I lost weight. I just don't understand what is going on that I am not losing.
For the month of May I logged 795 minutes which equals 13 1/4 hours of exercise. This exercise included weight strength training, the ellipitcal and bike riding.  Considering that I started out the month at 353 pounds, plus I must use an electric mobility device to work and shop and 2 canes or a walker, I would say that amount of exercise is pretty darn good for me.  Unfortunately none of this exercise resulted in a weight loss- in fact I gained this month.
I went  on a vacation at the end of the month and that had a lot  to do with not losing any weight.  I went away for 4 days 3 of which I would have exercised if I was home. But I can only exercise at my gym and my tricycle was at home so no bike riding either.  Of course being on a vacation I didn't really watch what I ate either and I came back 7 pounds heavier so now at the end of May I am 360.  I have got to get back on track with exercising more and eating less.
If any one is reading this blog, Have a Happy and Healthy month. 

Youfit -signed up for more

Hi Everyone.
Yesterday when I went to Youfit and I was told it was my last day with Gary. I thought I had until the 20th of April but I figured incorrectly.  I was so glad I brought the machine booklet with me that I developed. Mainly pictures of the machines  I use for the four different routines I do.  At my age, my memory is not what it use to be so the booklet will help me out when I am no longer with Gary. However the booklet will not be used until May as I signed up for more sessions with Gary until the end of April. At that point I will get four private session a month for the next six months.  I will use one session a week, probably  on a Wednesday.
I have been triking on Saturday and Sunday as I don't go to Youfit on those days. However if the weather is good and I am not too tired from the workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursday I would love to get out and trike on those days around 6:00. This will help to burn extra calories. I am hoping the extra exercise will help to break this plateu. I only lost 3 pounds last month, very disappointing month. I am hoping Wednesday will show better results, as it will have been 4 weeks since I weighed. I suppose measurements will be taken again too, and I am hoping there will be less of me.
Will let you all know the results after Wednesday.  Please post a comment as I would love to know your reading my blog.
Till than Stay Healthy and Happy  :)

Got a different Tricycle - I Love It

Hi Everyone
I was so disappointed on Sunday when I tried to go biking again on my trike. Earlier in the day I did 1 1/2 laps around the block. This time  I couldn't go beyond the 5 houses from my house . So I turned around than on the way back to my house the seat  went backwards. It didn't break it just slipped backwards and I had to walk the trike back. Greg tried numerous times during the week to tighten the seat and we even tried new seats but nothing worked right. I was telling my good friend Mimi about the trike and problems we were having.  She stated I should have gotten a Miami Sun not a Schwinn. She even told me the Bike store where I could find the Tricycle.
Saturday Greg and I went to Family Bikes and Al was so very nice to us. Al had a red Miami Sun and I could tell just by looking at it that this trike was made for me.  The trike was a 24 instead of 26, the pass thru was much lower, the seat was a huge saddle seat  with a U bracket that would prevent it from tilting backwards.  The saddle seat I am sure wouldn't hurt me like that uncomfortable nose seat on the Schwinn which hurt my private parts.  Al asked if I would like to try it outside and I said I sure do. He mentioned he had to lower the sea tand the U bracket. I was not sure I would even get on it but by standing on my electric scooter I did get on it.  I loved the size of the seat and the extra support. Pedaling the trike was easier than the Schwinn. I didn't hesitate a minute and told Al I wanted it.  I also bought some fierce looking red and yellow lighting rod and skull handle grips.  Al drove the trike in his van back to the house for me. I thought that was very nice.  After Greg put the trike on the patio we went to Walmart to grocery shop, return 2 of the 3 bike seats we bought. Here is the new trike.
After we got back from from Walmart  I triked 1.02 miles  It was late so we ate and spent the rest of the night watching Tv. Sunday we went triking around noon and I went 1.33 miles.  Six hours later I went triking again 1.14 for a total of 2.47 miles. I burned 637 calories. It felt fantastic.Monday I went to youfit. That will be the next writing.  Please comment if your reading my blog,
Till than my friends Stay Healthy and Happy.


Wow it appears I haven't written anything on my blog since February 14 Valentine's Day when I signed up for 2 months at Youfit. Upon returning home there was a nice bouquet of  flowers waiting for me and some chocolate from Steve. It was so nice to receive some flowers and to be thought about.  I just wish he would commit more by moving down here to be with me.  OH well onto what I have been doing - exercise wise..
 Gary and I  set up a 4 day routine.  1 day back, next time chest, next legs and last arms. We had slowly been progressing and getting me use to getting on and off the equipment and building up the weights and repetions. He has me start each routine by doing a walk with him. Then we start the routine for that day. I wrote down some significant days on my blog.
March 4th as we were walking I asked Gary if I could try to get on the  elliptical to see if I could do it. It was a weird feeling but I was able to get my feet high enough to step on it and  was able to do it for a short minute. What a wonderful feeling.  He said he would work that into my routine. 

March 11 was on elliptical for 3 minutes in addition to walking and other leg exercises.

March 20th
Elliptical 3 minutes and 30 seconds in addition to other leg exercises involving strength training. We did something today we hadn't done since Valentine's Day. Gary had me  stand up with the ball again. OH MY GOSH!!  I stood up 20 times with the 3kg  ball in my hands and Gary didn't have to help me at all like last time when he had to pull me up by the back of my pants. He than gave me the 2kg ball and I stood up 10 more times.  What a victory to be able to stand up on my own without any help. Each time we do the legs Gary is going to have me do this exercise.  

 April 4th I said in December I wanted two things.  Do you remember what they were. Yep a private coach and a tricycle.  Well today I  got my new  tricycle and went .44 of a mile. Hardest part was getting on it. Had to use the stepper and my two canes but I did it. Here is a picture of my new wheels.

April 7th
got on my tricycle and went .88 of a mile I double what I did the first day. If I go South and half way around it is  .32 of a mile. If I go north and halfway around  it is .31 of a mile. So if I go all the way around it is .63 of a mile, In order to get 1.22 mile I need to go all the way around 2 times.  That is the goal I will build up to as now I am able to go around 1 1/2 times.

April 8th
OMGosh what knee pain I had today when doing exercise I think I did too much biking on Sunday.  I was really struggling to get the leg exercise done at Youfit. Gary had to even help me with the standing up with the ball which I had been doing on my own. It felt lousy to have to have the help today. In fact Gary said let's not do the elliptical until Wednesday as he could see how much pain I was in and that it was an off day. He thinks I did too much biking on Sunday too, So on the weekends I think I will just do one bike ride of a lap north and south which will give me .63 of a mile.

April 10th
Today after the walk, I did 4 minutes on the ellipitcal. I think what helped was that Mike was talking to me about my posture improving but that I should get better shoes with more support and orthothic in them. That talking was for about 2 minutes and 40 seconds which helped me take my mind off of the back pain. Around 3:30 the pain kicked in and I lasted another 30 seconds to get to 4:00 HURRAY!! During the  arm pushs and pulls (wish I knew the true name of those exercises) Gary had me stand during the exercise and sit down in between the  6 sets that I did. He had me do the additional arms strength training routine.  I worked up a really good sweat. He was happy to see that as it doesn't happen to often. He did say that the standing probably brought the sweat on as he knows how difficult that task is for me.
 I really am exhausted today but it feels great. I just wish the weight would come off faster.  I am really not sure why it isn't. I was hoping I would have lost more than  30 pounds in almost 4 1/2 months.
Oh well if anyone is reading my blog Thanks for doing so. Please let me know you are by leaving a comment.  You stay Healthy and Happy until next time. 

More private workouts! I Am Worth It!

Hi Everyone
Yesterday ended my 4 private sessions. Boy what a workout Gary gave me. He had me working on my legs which is the weakest part of my body. He had me doing things that were intense to me and was causing a great deal of difficulty. One piece of equipment I couldn't even get my legs into the postion that was needed. I had to remind him I had only half of a right hip bone. So we moved onto another piece of equipment that caused me pain on my shin bones. He moved the bar down twice but it still came up and hurt my shin bones. I told him I didn't like that one but he said I needed it and had to get use to it.
We moved onto several other pieces and I did ok until we got to that darn aerobic stepper.  I have worked with one before and was only able to step on the 4 inch high platform. Gary added the two risers which made it 8 inches high and I told him no way,  I can't do that. He got a bit mad at me and told me if I talk  like that I will not be able to do it. I told him I can't pick up my right foot more than 4 inches, he took away one of the raisers making it 6 inches off the ground. He said do it and when I went to it to try he could see that I physically could not. So he took off that riser so it was only 4 inches off the ground. I was pissed and stomped on that thing with the help of my hands on the wall in front.  I don't know for how long I did it but I don't feel it was any longer than a minute.  When I started to slow down he said 30 more seconds and counted down every 5 seconds.
After that he had me do the impossible. I had to sit on this bench with a ball in my hands and get up off the bench put the ball above my head and bring it back down and sit down again.  I have seen this on Biggest Loser and wished I could do it. How is that possible when you have 2 herniated and one bulging disc and you have to hold onto something to pull yourself up.  I gave Gary a smart ass reply like what do you think I am Wonderwomen. He said sit down here and do it.  I told him I can't get down that low raise up the seat. He did raise it up.  He handed me the ball and my hands collapsed to my lap so he got another ball.  Stand up he says. Yea right I said I was trying he could see this was impossible for me to do so he got behind the bench and helped pull me up all 356 pounds of me. What a strong guy he is. Anyhow  between the aerobic stepper and this impossible task I started to feel wetness on my face, which was a combination of sweat and tears. I couldn't do a single one on my own and he helped with all 5 of them. I was done for the day and the manager wanted to talk with me. I knew what it was about as this was my last private session.
I really need to get my health back, walk again and enjoy life doing the things I use to do so I paid for 24 more private sessions.  I AM WORTH IT!!!

Until next time Stay Happy and Healthy

Met YOUFIT Coach Gary twice now

Hi All
Well I said I wanted a personal fitness coah and I finally did it. I started with Coach Gary on Monday Feb 4th as last week I had an eye infection and we both thought it best not to go tot he gym with an eye infection.  Monday  Gary gave me a new diet to follow. I am not too keen on that diet as it seems to be considerable less than what MFP seems to think I should be eating. For example nothing to eat after dinner. Yet he says I should eat every 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Seems to me that if I finish my dinner at about 8:00 ( which I know is late but I get up late -around 9 am each day) I should have something at about 10:30 or so. Well the first two night I didn't but last night I did. I charted everything I ate and you can see on Monday I didn't have all the foods I needed but my Tuesday I did. The last three days I was below my 1,900 calorie by 605 to 1,097 calories. It seems to me that this is starvation mode and I do not know how long I will last at these lower calories.
As for the exercise there was none on Monday as he spent the whole 1/2 hour discussing what I should and shouldn't eat and when I should and shouldn't eat it.  Despite the fact that I informed him I have been following a 1,900 calorie program and lost 22 pounds in 4 weeks he still wanted me to follow HIS Gary's plan for 2 weeks. Wednesday we finally got down to doing some exercise.  I do not know the names of the equipment as he had me throughout the entire gym on 6 different pieces of equipment.  All of them Gary said were for my back and involved pulling weights. All were of cause sitting down and one we had to modify as I could't do it the way he wanted.  He seemed happy that I could do as much as I did.  I guess he was thinking I was much more out of shape than I really am.  I told him over the last 10 years I have  had memberships at Inches A Weigh, Butterfly Life,  both of them closed down. Plus up until June of 2012 had been doing Curves.    Well anyhow once I got back home, the rest of the day I was exhausted and my upper back was hurting.   I literally did nothing but sit in my recliner with the heat and vibration on and fell asleep until the guys came to deliver the new stove.  After dinner I watched Tv in my recliner with the heat and vibrator on again until I went to bed at 11:00 pm as I couldn't keep my eyes opened any more.
Today Thursday I am to go back to Gary and he said we would work on my chest area.  All the exercises today were for the chest area.    One of them was very difficult as I had to push over my  head and that is something I always have had difficulty with due to the frozen left shoulder.  He had to help me with the first 20. After that I was able to do the set of 15 and 10 on my own.  One piece of equipment I couldn't get on even with Gary holding my hands.  The bench was just  too low and there was no way to raise it up.  But Gary is like me, if it doesn't work you find a way to do the same thing but modify it.  So he did come up with the alternative and it did the same movements he wanted. I think Gary was impressed with what I did as he kept saying I did a good job.  Mike another guy that works there at the desk has come up to me both days to give me encouragement. He is a rather large guy himself but I am sure he has lost weight as well. I thought it was a nice gesture  and very much appreciated. I go back again on Monday. Gary said that would be a cardio day. Not sure what that means but I will find out soon.  Until next time I write
Stay Warm, Healthy and Happy!!

YOU FIT here I come ready or not

Hi All
Today I had a Dr Appt with a new Dr. because I changed insurance companies.  Dr Anderson seemed nice and spent a lot of time with me.  She gave me medical clearance so I  can have my bad tooth pulled and a replacement made.  Not sure yet what my choices will be but know I do not want to be toothless.
On the way home I stopped off at You Fit as the Dr kept   stating I needed more exercise than just  the little bit of walking I am able to do. At You Fit the majority of the equipment is sit down exercises.  Some of them I can't do as the seat do not adjust up and down.  Others I do not have the strength now to do.  I will be able to attend free through the insurance company. Wednesday I will meet with a coach and together we will determine what I can do.  Am looking forward to see how many different pieces I can do.
Not much else is new.  Stay warm, happy and healthy, 

Day 26 14 pounds gone

As the title says today is day 26 and I have lost 14 pounds so far.  I decided that keeping track of the WW points plus the calories was driving me crazy so I switched to just doing the calories. It seemed that the 1,900 calories MFP said I should eat seemed to be around  43 points.  It is much less stressful to me doing just the tracking of what I eat on MFP. 
I started back walking again today and was able to get to the 3rd house to the North of me. I did have to stop and sit down on the rollator on the way back but only for a minute or two. Monday Jan 14th was the last day I had walked for about 12 days as I was not home at 5 -5:30 Pm on the days I usually walk.  I have to go at that time as it is when the sun is going down, not too many people are in the subdivision walking and the bugs haven't come out yet.
I have been trying to make friends with those who are like me but it seems difficult. Why that is I am not sure. However I hope that is going to change soon as I did find a group of people who want to lose 200 pounds or more so I am sure they can understand what I go through and will be there for the support encouragement and motivation.  A few others have been there for me as well from the BL2 challenge which is great.  The more support and encouragement I can get the easier I think this will be for me as I do not have a support system here at home.
Stress level is down a bit as I finally got my van back Monday after having been without it for 5 months due to repairs. The house is still in disarray with the repairs being made but the outside is really starting to look good.
I took some time to post on my MFP profile my before picture of me at 497 and the latest one taken at Christmas time at 378. I plan to take another one when I get below 350 but I doubt there will be much of a change. 
Once the inside of the house repairs slow down I do plan to get back into doing my beading which will keep my hands busy and away from my mouth.   A fellow beader told me about a new site called crafts cafe and it seems cheaper than Etsy. I hope to be able to figure it out and put up a few items to sell.
Well for those friends reading this I hope you are all doing well. If you can, please leave me
Stay warm, happy  and healthy.

NEW ME IN 2014

HI All 
The title on this post is also the title on myfitnesspal profile post.  I had joined MFP in 2012 and had posted there a few times in 2012 but by March stopped the WW program and stopped posting.  In December 2012 I once again decided come The New Year I would try again. So here is what I decided for now. 
After much research of food plans, exercise plans, reward plans and looking into my financial budget I decided on what I will do.  I wish to explain most of it here as the profile seems to be getting bigger and bigger and many may not be interested in reading all that I wrote over there.  If you entered in my blog I know that you are interested in knowing more about me, my plans and my journey.

FOOD PLAN:  Will follow the AT HOME WW points plus program with a modification.  I was on this plan back in 2009 and they gave me 52 points. Back than it was way too high a caloric count as in 16 weeks I only lost 15 pounds.  I lowered my points down to 38 and lost 11 pounds the first week I did it. I did this for 2 more weeks and lost an additional  7 pounds fro 20 pounds lost in 3 weeks.  I was so happy until they told me I had to either bring my points back up or leave. I walked out the door. I keep going for a few more weeks on my own don't even remember how much I lost but gained it back plus more.
So this year here is my plan:    WW points 43 to 50 -eat the foods that I want to  eat (good foods not so much junk) but stay within that range. I made this a range with the extra 49 points per week. So instead of trying to eat 43 points each day and than have 49 points left to use after weigh in,  I decided to spread it out among the 7 days. I will still be banking any points I do not use past the 43 for that day. So some days maybe will be 43  other may be 46 or more.   I think this fits in better with the MFP philosophy of having spike days and not the same caloric intake each day. My points will be posted in the section on the diary called Today's Food Notes. 

EXERCISE PLAN: Five out of seven days walk with the rollator. Started on Jan 2 and walked one house to the North. Next day one house to the South. Each week I plan to walk to the next North or  South of the one I had just finished walking to the previous week. There are 16 houses to the North of me. Not sure how many to the South of me.  By 16 weeks I should be able to make it to the end of the block going North which is where the entrance gate is located. Have no idea where I will be heading South in 16 weeks  but it will be fun to find out.  I didn't see a listing for walking with a rollator so I am using the walking with crutches.  Right now the walk to the next door neighbors house takes me 15 minutes due to the disability I have. It is a miracle I am getting one foot in front of the other, yet to be doing this for 15 minutes.  By the time I am done I am so out of breath you would have thought I ran a marathon. As for the pain level it is through the roof.   I so badly want to sit down on the rollator seat but I push myself not to do that until I walked through the front door. I am sure as the weeks go on this will be much easier. What I would really like to do is get myself a personal coach someplace and also get a tricycle. We will see if this is the year I am able to do so.

Not much else until next time.  Stay Warm, Happy and Healthy.