Saturday, June 29, 2013


Wow it appears I haven't written anything on my blog since February 14 Valentine's Day when I signed up for 2 months at Youfit. Upon returning home there was a nice bouquet of  flowers waiting for me and some chocolate from Steve. It was so nice to receive some flowers and to be thought about.  I just wish he would commit more by moving down here to be with me.  OH well onto what I have been doing - exercise wise..
 Gary and I  set up a 4 day routine.  1 day back, next time chest, next legs and last arms. We had slowly been progressing and getting me use to getting on and off the equipment and building up the weights and repetions. He has me start each routine by doing a walk with him. Then we start the routine for that day. I wrote down some significant days on my blog.
March 4th as we were walking I asked Gary if I could try to get on the  elliptical to see if I could do it. It was a weird feeling but I was able to get my feet high enough to step on it and  was able to do it for a short minute. What a wonderful feeling.  He said he would work that into my routine. 

March 11 was on elliptical for 3 minutes in addition to walking and other leg exercises.

March 20th
Elliptical 3 minutes and 30 seconds in addition to other leg exercises involving strength training. We did something today we hadn't done since Valentine's Day. Gary had me  stand up with the ball again. OH MY GOSH!!  I stood up 20 times with the 3kg  ball in my hands and Gary didn't have to help me at all like last time when he had to pull me up by the back of my pants. He than gave me the 2kg ball and I stood up 10 more times.  What a victory to be able to stand up on my own without any help. Each time we do the legs Gary is going to have me do this exercise.  

 April 4th I said in December I wanted two things.  Do you remember what they were. Yep a private coach and a tricycle.  Well today I  got my new  tricycle and went .44 of a mile. Hardest part was getting on it. Had to use the stepper and my two canes but I did it. Here is a picture of my new wheels.

April 7th
got on my tricycle and went .88 of a mile I double what I did the first day. If I go South and half way around it is  .32 of a mile. If I go north and halfway around  it is .31 of a mile. So if I go all the way around it is .63 of a mile, In order to get 1.22 mile I need to go all the way around 2 times.  That is the goal I will build up to as now I am able to go around 1 1/2 times.

April 8th
OMGosh what knee pain I had today when doing exercise I think I did too much biking on Sunday.  I was really struggling to get the leg exercise done at Youfit. Gary had to even help me with the standing up with the ball which I had been doing on my own. It felt lousy to have to have the help today. In fact Gary said let's not do the elliptical until Wednesday as he could see how much pain I was in and that it was an off day. He thinks I did too much biking on Sunday too, So on the weekends I think I will just do one bike ride of a lap north and south which will give me .63 of a mile.

April 10th
Today after the walk, I did 4 minutes on the ellipitcal. I think what helped was that Mike was talking to me about my posture improving but that I should get better shoes with more support and orthothic in them. That talking was for about 2 minutes and 40 seconds which helped me take my mind off of the back pain. Around 3:30 the pain kicked in and I lasted another 30 seconds to get to 4:00 HURRAY!! During the  arm pushs and pulls (wish I knew the true name of those exercises) Gary had me stand during the exercise and sit down in between the  6 sets that I did. He had me do the additional arms strength training routine.  I worked up a really good sweat. He was happy to see that as it doesn't happen to often. He did say that the standing probably brought the sweat on as he knows how difficult that task is for me.
 I really am exhausted today but it feels great. I just wish the weight would come off faster.  I am really not sure why it isn't. I was hoping I would have lost more than  30 pounds in almost 4 1/2 months.
Oh well if anyone is reading my blog Thanks for doing so. Please let me know you are by leaving a comment.  You stay Healthy and Happy until next time. 

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