Saturday, June 29, 2013


Hi Everyone
Well as it turns out I didn't lose a single pound but I did lose a few more inches.  I was extremely disappointed as I thought for sure I lost weight. I just don't understand what is going on that I am not losing.
For the month of May I logged 795 minutes which equals 13 1/4 hours of exercise. This exercise included weight strength training, the ellipitcal and bike riding.  Considering that I started out the month at 353 pounds, plus I must use an electric mobility device to work and shop and 2 canes or a walker, I would say that amount of exercise is pretty darn good for me.  Unfortunately none of this exercise resulted in a weight loss- in fact I gained this month.
I went  on a vacation at the end of the month and that had a lot  to do with not losing any weight.  I went away for 4 days 3 of which I would have exercised if I was home. But I can only exercise at my gym and my tricycle was at home so no bike riding either.  Of course being on a vacation I didn't really watch what I ate either and I came back 7 pounds heavier so now at the end of May I am 360.  I have got to get back on track with exercising more and eating less.
If any one is reading this blog, Have a Happy and Healthy month. 

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