Saturday, June 29, 2013

Met YOUFIT Coach Gary twice now

Hi All
Well I said I wanted a personal fitness coah and I finally did it. I started with Coach Gary on Monday Feb 4th as last week I had an eye infection and we both thought it best not to go tot he gym with an eye infection.  Monday  Gary gave me a new diet to follow. I am not too keen on that diet as it seems to be considerable less than what MFP seems to think I should be eating. For example nothing to eat after dinner. Yet he says I should eat every 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Seems to me that if I finish my dinner at about 8:00 ( which I know is late but I get up late -around 9 am each day) I should have something at about 10:30 or so. Well the first two night I didn't but last night I did. I charted everything I ate and you can see on Monday I didn't have all the foods I needed but my Tuesday I did. The last three days I was below my 1,900 calorie by 605 to 1,097 calories. It seems to me that this is starvation mode and I do not know how long I will last at these lower calories.
As for the exercise there was none on Monday as he spent the whole 1/2 hour discussing what I should and shouldn't eat and when I should and shouldn't eat it.  Despite the fact that I informed him I have been following a 1,900 calorie program and lost 22 pounds in 4 weeks he still wanted me to follow HIS Gary's plan for 2 weeks. Wednesday we finally got down to doing some exercise.  I do not know the names of the equipment as he had me throughout the entire gym on 6 different pieces of equipment.  All of them Gary said were for my back and involved pulling weights. All were of cause sitting down and one we had to modify as I could't do it the way he wanted.  He seemed happy that I could do as much as I did.  I guess he was thinking I was much more out of shape than I really am.  I told him over the last 10 years I have  had memberships at Inches A Weigh, Butterfly Life,  both of them closed down. Plus up until June of 2012 had been doing Curves.    Well anyhow once I got back home, the rest of the day I was exhausted and my upper back was hurting.   I literally did nothing but sit in my recliner with the heat and vibration on and fell asleep until the guys came to deliver the new stove.  After dinner I watched Tv in my recliner with the heat and vibrator on again until I went to bed at 11:00 pm as I couldn't keep my eyes opened any more.
Today Thursday I am to go back to Gary and he said we would work on my chest area.  All the exercises today were for the chest area.    One of them was very difficult as I had to push over my  head and that is something I always have had difficulty with due to the frozen left shoulder.  He had to help me with the first 20. After that I was able to do the set of 15 and 10 on my own.  One piece of equipment I couldn't get on even with Gary holding my hands.  The bench was just  too low and there was no way to raise it up.  But Gary is like me, if it doesn't work you find a way to do the same thing but modify it.  So he did come up with the alternative and it did the same movements he wanted. I think Gary was impressed with what I did as he kept saying I did a good job.  Mike another guy that works there at the desk has come up to me both days to give me encouragement. He is a rather large guy himself but I am sure he has lost weight as well. I thought it was a nice gesture  and very much appreciated. I go back again on Monday. Gary said that would be a cardio day. Not sure what that means but I will find out soon.  Until next time I write
Stay Warm, Healthy and Happy!!

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