Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 26 14 pounds gone

As the title says today is day 26 and I have lost 14 pounds so far.  I decided that keeping track of the WW points plus the calories was driving me crazy so I switched to just doing the calories. It seemed that the 1,900 calories MFP said I should eat seemed to be around  43 points.  It is much less stressful to me doing just the tracking of what I eat on MFP. 
I started back walking again today and was able to get to the 3rd house to the North of me. I did have to stop and sit down on the rollator on the way back but only for a minute or two. Monday Jan 14th was the last day I had walked for about 12 days as I was not home at 5 -5:30 Pm on the days I usually walk.  I have to go at that time as it is when the sun is going down, not too many people are in the subdivision walking and the bugs haven't come out yet.
I have been trying to make friends with those who are like me but it seems difficult. Why that is I am not sure. However I hope that is going to change soon as I did find a group of people who want to lose 200 pounds or more so I am sure they can understand what I go through and will be there for the support encouragement and motivation.  A few others have been there for me as well from the BL2 challenge which is great.  The more support and encouragement I can get the easier I think this will be for me as I do not have a support system here at home.
Stress level is down a bit as I finally got my van back Monday after having been without it for 5 months due to repairs. The house is still in disarray with the repairs being made but the outside is really starting to look good.
I took some time to post on my MFP profile my before picture of me at 497 and the latest one taken at Christmas time at 378. I plan to take another one when I get below 350 but I doubt there will be much of a change. 
Once the inside of the house repairs slow down I do plan to get back into doing my beading which will keep my hands busy and away from my mouth.   A fellow beader told me about a new site called crafts cafe and it seems cheaper than Etsy. I hope to be able to figure it out and put up a few items to sell.
Well for those friends reading this I hope you are all doing well. If you can, please leave me
Stay warm, happy  and healthy.

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