Monday, January 17, 2011

2 weeks 6 down

It has been about 2 weeks since I last wrote and I tried to follow the WW plan at home and yesterday I weighed. I am 6 pounds down. It is a start and one I hope to be able to continue. I think I may have found a message board that seems to fit me. The WW board 200 pounds to lose has a thread entitled Ladies over 50 with 300 pounds. It seems like a friendly group and I am trying to make friends over there with a new people and some of the old timers who have been around for awhile and have lost a considerable amount of weight. I am trying to learn my way around the site as well so I can use it to my full advantage. I have started to track the food I am eating both on the site and on paper. I still can't believe I can eat 1 cup of madarin oranges and with the new program it is 0 points. That just doesn't make any sense to me. So on the paper I am recording it as 2 points which is what it use to be. So if anyone is following this blog still- Have a happy and healthy week

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