Sunday, March 12, 2006


This is fantastic! I have lost every single week. In the past by this week with the WW plan I all ready had a no loss week. I really like the simplicity of the NS program and the variety of foods. I can eat Pizza, Chili dogs, hamburger, chocolate, chips and still lose weight.

I had some pictures taken in a swim suit this week There is story behind this swimsuit, so if interested keep reading. If not, skip to the next paragraph. In 1999 (when I weighed over 100 pounds more) I had gone to a BBW bash and a Lady there was selling swimsuits. I ordered one to be made and when it arrived I couldn't fit into. There was another Lady who ordered the exact same style and colors and I thought maybe I got her suit. I told the seller this and she said it was the correct size for me. So I put it away and forgot about it until this week. This week I had about 15 college students (who were on Spring Break) volunteering at my house. They did over 16 chores for me to try and get the house back into shape after the last 3 hurricanes hit here. Anyhow, two of the girls and I went through my closet to straighten it out and come upon the suit. After they all left I tried to put on the suit. As I slowly pulled and tugged I finally got the panties up over my hips and even fit into the top part of the suit. There never was much support in the swimsuit for me so the ladies aren't in the proper place, but I had it on! Saturday I had a very close friend of mine take some pictures. I probably should have had some taken when I was 33 pounds heavier but I have so much to lose that I am sure the 33 pounds loss wouldn't show that much. I will have more taken in May, which will be 4 months I have been on program. Of course no one will see any of these pictures until I get to goal.

Well folks I don't know how many are reading the blog as I don't see any comments. But if you are reading it I hope you have enjoyed reading about this week and my success in doing it the NS Weigh. I hope you all have a happy and healthy week. See you on the boards.


Susan said...

Hey Amanda, I didn't know you had a blogspot blog until I saw you mention it today on Jazz's site!

If you want to visit mine it's on I think my profile here links to my family picture blog which you're welcome to look at but it's pretty boring.

Congratulations on the suit! I am so amazed at how easy this diet is, aren't you? I love the food.

I'm off to read more of your blog! Take care, - Susan

Cassandre said...

Congratulations on your weight loss to date. We all know how hard this is, but you're doing great and keep it up.